Saturday, 6 August 2016

Nirjala - A Hope of Nomadic Community - as path setter for next generation.

Nirjala Raval, Sponsored Child by
Sanjay  R. Shah Charitable Foundation
Nirjala studies in class 4th , Father Naranbhai Raval,  Raval community is mainly engaged in carrying loads on camel carts. Many Raval community brothers earns livelihood by loading goods on their back in the ganj bazar (wholesale grocery market).

In the new scenario many community people have started cultivating land on fixed terms basis while some are also involved in livestock breeding. Still prevailing socio – economic condition & education awareness of entire community is feeble.

Naran originally belongs to Kuvawala village of Deodar taluka. Financially family condition very pathetic, so his father was unable to send him to higher studies, still he managed to study till 12th  standard. He left his studies and coped with existing situations & started working with the minimal wages & continued staying at Deodar.  Raval community also carry the tradition of child marriage. Hence Naranbhai got married at very young age, and he became a father of small Nirjala & a son at very young age.

He has strong desire to educate his kids. Very humble & caring by nature , readily helpful to all, considering his dedication & desire to devote his work towards the upbringing of society , VSSM chose him as our field worker. With the handful of salary he managed to meet his family requirements.  VSSM understood his plea & took entire education responsibilities of his children, permitting him to devote more time towards our common aim.

Naran faced family oppose  towards his decision to send Nirjala to hostel & that too so far away from their village, Naran was confident , he and his wife stood firm with their decision & sent Nirjala to stay in our Unnati Girls Hostel .

Today Nirjala is studying in studying in 4th Std. in H.B. Kapadia Primary School, Ahmedabad. Little bit shy but innocent, she is just adorable! to draw & to tell stories is something she enjoys a lot. Her wish to become a Teacher. 

Nirjala is joyful and playful !! her smile will make you forget all worries.

Here we would like to express our gratitude towards Sanjay R. Shah Charitable Foundation, Mumbai with reference to our well-wisher, donor and friend Shri. Atulbhai Ambavat, under our child sponsorship program, sponsored Nirjala for her complete education expense, until he wants to study.

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